Introducing NFHS Coach Level 1, 2 & 3 - AIC/CIC Transition Information
Education is at the heart of becoming a better coach. At the NFHS Learning Center, thousands of coaches have embraced professional development by obtaining their AIC and CIC credentials.
The NFHS Learning Center will soon be replacing AIC and CIC credentials with a new three-Level national coaching credential! While AIC and CIC certificates will continue to be available to download for those who have completed them, courses completed will now count towards becoming an NFHS Level 1, 2, and 3 coach.
To become an NFHS Level 1 coach, you must complete 4 courses: Fundamentals of Coaching, Concussion in Sports, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Protecting Students from Abuse. Levels 2 and 3 build upon that foundation with additional courses – many are available at no cost!
Lamont Davis
about 1 year ago
Jennifer Lopez
over 2 years ago